Поиск сотрудников физического факультета

Chair of Physics of Oscillations

Last Name: Milkov
First Name: Maxim
Patronymic Name: Germanovich
Scientific Degree: Master of Science (2004)
Academic Rank: Magister
Room: 1-62
Position: High-grade Scientific Researcher
Telephone: +7(495)939-44-04
Email: milkov1981@mail.ru
Research Interests: optoelectronics, acousto-optics, acousto-optic materials, optical information processing, physics and acoustics of crystals, double-axis crystalline materials, electronic oscillatory systems.
Scientific biography:
Laboratory Assistant 2002, Scientific Engineer 2004, High-grade Scientific Researcher 2011.
Main publications:

1. D.V. Bogomolov, M.G. Mil’kov, and V.N. Parygin. Control of the Instrument Function of Acousto-Optic Cells with a Noncollinear Interaction Geometry. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2006, Vol. 51., No. 1, pp. 94-100.
2. M.G. Mil’kov, M.D. Volnyanskii, A.M. Antonenko, and V. B. Voloshinov. Acoustic Properties of Biaxial crystal of Double Lead Molybdate Pb2MoO5. Acoustical Physics, 2012. Vol. 58., No. 2, pp. 172–179.